Medical ebook "Te Linde's Operative Gynecology 10th edition
Authors/editors: John A Rock and Howard W Jones III
ISBN: 978-0-7817-7234-1
Page count: 1449
Publisher: Lippincott
Publication year: 2008
The world's leading gynecologic surgery reference for 60 years, Te Linde's Operative Gynecology is now in its revised tenth edition. In this new edition, Te Linde's leads the field with bold initiative in its first attempt to synthesize the best way for surgical procedures. This classic text is rooted in the Johns Hopkins tradition of gynecologic surgery, but now includes 75 contributors, for a broader, more complete presentation of national and international practices. The book provides encyclopedic coverage of the etiology, diagnosis, and step-by-step surgical treatment of benign and malignant diseases and disorders of the female pelvis. More than 1,600 illustrations demonstrate the surgical techniques.
Table of contents:
Section I General Topics Affecting Gynecological Practice
1. Operative Surgery Before the Era of Laparoscopy: A Brief History
2. The Ethics of Pelvic Surgery
3. Psychological Aspects of Pelvic Surgery
4. Professional Liability and Risk Management for the Gynecological Surgeon
5. The Changing Environment in Which We Practice Gynecological Surgery
6. Training the Gynecological Surgeon
Section II Principles of Anatomy and Perioperative Considerations
1. Surgical Anatomy of the Female Pelvis
2. Preoperative Care
3. Postanesthesia and Postoperative Care
4. Water, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Metabolism
5. Postoperative Infections: Prevention and Management
6. Shock in the Gynecologic Patient
7. Wound Healing, Suture Material, and Surgical Instrumentation
Section III Principles of Gynecological Surgical Techniques and Management of Endoscopy
1. Incisions for Gynecological Surgery
2. Principles of Electrosurgery as Applied to Gynecology
3. Application of Laser Gynecology
4. Diagnostic and Operative Laparoscopy
5. Operative Hysteroscopy
6. Control of Pelvic Hemorrhage
Section IV Surgery for the Fertility
1. The Impact of Assisted Reproductive Technology on Gynecological Surgery
2. Reconstructive Tubal Surgery
3. Endometriosis
Section V Surgery for Benign Gynecologic Conditions
1. Surgical Conditions of the Vulva
2. Surgical Conditions of the Vagina and Urethra
3. Surgery for Anomalies of the Mullerian Ducts
4. Normal and Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
5. Tubal Sterilization
6. Surgery for Benign Disease of the Ovary
7. Persistent or Chronic Pelvic Pain
8. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
9. Leiomyomata Uteri and Myomectomy
10. A - Abdominal Hysterectomy
11. B - Vaginal Hysterectomy
12. C - Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
Section VI Surgery for Obstetrics
1. Management of Abortion
2. Ectopic Pregnancy
3. A - Obstetric Problems
4. B - Ovarian Tumors Complicating Pregnancy
Section VII Surgery for Corrections of Defects in Pelvic Support and Pelvic Fistulas
1. A - Pelvic Organ Prolapse – Basic Principles
2. B - Site-Specific Repair of Cystourethrocele
3. C - Paravaginal Defect Repair
4. D - Posterior Compartment Defects
5. E - Vaginal Vault Prolapse
6. F - The Nonsurgical Management of Pelvic Organ Prolapse: The Use of Vaginal Pessaries
7. Stress Urinary Incontinence
8. Operative Injuries to the Ureter
9. Vesicovaginal Fistula and Urethrovaginal Fistula
10. Anal Incontinence and Rectovaginal Fistulas
Section VIII Related Surgery
1. Breast Diseases: Benign and Malignant
2. The Vermiform Appendix in Relation to Gynecology
3. Intestinal Tract in Gynecological Surgery
4. Nongynecologic Conditions Encountered by the Gynecologic Surgeon
Section IX Gynecologic Oncology
1. Malignancies of the Vulva
2. Cervical Cancer Precursors and Their Management
3. Cancer of the Cervix
4. Endometrial Cancer
5. Ovarian Cancer: Etiology, Screening, and Surgery
6. Pelvic Exenteration
7. Surgical Reconstruction of the Pelvis in Gynecologic Cancer Patients